Frequently asked questions

Yes, all of our products are gluten-free.

No, we do not use peanuts.

We use organic coconut oil.

We use Coconut palm sugar. Coconut palm sugar is a low-glycemic sugar so it won’t spike blood sugar levels as quickly.

No, we do not use soy.

No, both blends of granolas are about 80% nuts but there are some certified gluten-free organic oats in it. Our chocolate bark also contain our granola, so those are also not keto.

Yes! You can find our 8oz bags of granola in local stores. Click the link for a current list of stores.

Our Roasted Nut blend is vegan, contains pine nuts and has zero sodium. The Sea Salt Pecan blend is vegetarian, includes pecans instead of pine nuts, and has 20mg of sodium per serving.

Absolutely! We have a 2oz bag that’s perfect for gifting as well as favors for your guests. Email us at premolagranola@gmail.com to learn more.

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